Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Parent Orientation

Holy Moly!  What an amazing night!  First of all it was so nice to be able to meet so many of you! Secondly, the student work that was presented was fantastic!  I was so proud of everyone and especially the ones I could pretend to claim!

If you were unable to attend, you can access some of the information that was presented by using these links.

Orientation Slides
Orientation Pamphlet 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

2016-2017 Welcome

Welcome to a new year in ALERT!  Click on the tab with your child's ALERT day to see what we have been up to in class.  You can also check here for general ALERT updates and events!  Below is a copy of the welcome letter you received detailing our curriculum and focus for the year.

ALERT entire.gif

Dear ALERT Parents,

Welcome to a new year of ALERT.  I am looking forward to sharing an incredible curriculum with your child. Students will be learning about our year long concept, Exploration: The Progression of Science, Technology, and Societies. In our first unit, Exploring through Historical Discoveries, students will begin by recording their own past.  To gain an understanding of past societies and cultures they will think like archaeologists, researching to understand the progression of past societies through the artifacts that have been left behind.  Students will have the opportunity to delve into what life was like in ancient China, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.  We will participate in a field study to two state historic sites where students will apply the practice of archaeology to dig up clues about South Carolina’s past.  In our second unit of study students will Explore through Problem Solving. With a focus on models and designs students will explore the role of scientific discovery and the impact of inventions/inventors. They will visit Discovery Place in Charlotte to get their hands on some design projects of their own.
Our curriculum is strengthened by Thrively, an online program which tailors resources uniquely to your student. A gifted mathematical curriculum (M3-Mentoring Mathematical Minds) also complements our study of Exploration as students use numeration to Uncover the Secret of the MoLi Stone.  
Communication is the key to a successful year.  Each student has been given a take home folder as one way to keep information organized.  Any notes, papers, and assignments will be placed in the folder. Please take the time to check your child’s ALERT folder each week and use it to send me any information. I will also keep families informed by the use of a classroom blog that you may check each week for a glance at what we have been up to in class.  You can find the link to our day of instruction at

    If you have any questions or concerns, please call or e-mail.  E-mail is usually the best way to contact me.  My address is  I look forward to getting to know you and your child as we work together to make this a great year in ALERT!

* Monday
Polo Road:  419-2226, ext. 30601                                

* Tuesday & Wednesday
          Forest Lake Elementary: 803-782-0470 ext. 3113

Mrs. Jessie Hoft
ALERT Teacher

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Staking Out the Fun

In preparation for a great year, our team headed to Discover Place and Colonial Dorchester to preview dome of our upcoming field studies.  Can't wait until you are along for the ride!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

ALERT Summer Project

Summer is here!  What an amazing group of children I have had the pleasure of working with this year!  Thank you to all of you who have supported us with your project help, chaperoning, sending in (too many) forms and (too much) money. :) A better group of families, who can find? I have made the final post for each of our classroom blogs.  I hope students enjoy looking back on their learning and memories.

I wanted to share with you our ALERT Summer Project.  It is a voluntary opportunity to stay engaged over the summer, practice creative thinking, and share the work that is created in the Summer Project Showcase next fall. The project choices can be found at this link but your child should feel free to come up with their own original ideas as well!  Please consider participating!  I can't wait to see the amazing products!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Happy Birthday, Albert!

Thanks everyone who was able to attend!  I had fun seeing all of our Einsteins.  I know there were more than I was able to capture on film!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Systems Project

Over the next two weeks, STAR Testing will be conducted for the district and students will not be pulled for their regular ALERT classes.  During that time I wanted to continue to give students the opportunity to deepen their systems knowledge.  I have created a short project to engage them over the break.  They were given a packet with a review page and project directions (both linked below) as well as an optional sheet for their work.  The project is due the week of February 29-March 4, depending on their day of instruction.  It is meant to be as simple or complex as your student chooses to make it.  My goal is that it can be completed in less than an hour for those that have other obligations on their time, or over a number of days for those that choose to run with it.  Please don't let this be a burden or stress to your family.  If you are unable to participate I understand.  I hope it is a fun way for your child to bring their learning home to you!  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Systems Overview for Review

All Systems Go! Project Choices

Friday, February 5, 2016

Orientation Presentation

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the New Parent Orientation this week.  If you were unable to be there you can follow this link to the presentation for an overview of what was shared.
New Parent Orientation Link

And here is our most recent Primary ALERT team selfie.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

With Math I Can!

Who last told you, "I'm not good at math"?  For some reason, this is an easy comment to make and people often do so freely with little concern.  Any stigmas for being poor at math carry much less weight than someone confessing to being a poor reader.  Why is it okay to have low confidence with your math abilities?

This video encourages our students to practice the growth mindset when it comes to mathematics and not sell themselves short by defining themselves as "just not good at math".

With Math I Can

Monday, January 25, 2016

Mid-Year Orientation

The Primary ALERT team will be hosting a Mid-Year Orientation for parents of ALERT students who are newly qualified this school year and/or those families who were unable to attend the original Orientation Night at the beginning of the year.  We will briefly share information regarding ALERT procedures, activities, "A Day in ALERT", and upcoming content information.  Please find the invitation for this event below and let me know if you have any questions.