Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Mark Your Calendars!

All Systems Go!

Over the next two weeks, STAR Testing will be conducted for the district and students will not be pulled for their regular ALERT classes.  During that time I wanted to continue to give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge.  I have created a short project to engage them over the break. We covered the project options in class and I sent home materials and instructions as well as a systems cheat sheet if needed.  The project is due the second week on March, when we return to class.  It is meant to be as simple or complex as your student chooses to make it.  Please don't let this be a burden or stress to your family.  If you are unable to participate I understand.  I hope it is a fun way for your child to bring their learning home to you!  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Here are the links to the project resources if the paper copies don't make it! :)